Employees and Retirees: Notices and Documents
Active Employees
Notices & Documents
Benefit Summary Plan Descriptions (SPD)
- Dental Plan SPD (active employees)
- Flexible Spending Account SPD
- General Information SPD
- Life and Dismemberment Plan SPD
- Magellan Employee Assistance Program (EAP) overview
- Medical Plan SPD (active employees)
- Medical Summary of Benefit Coverage (active employees)
- Savings and Investment (401k) Plan SPD
- Pension Plan SPD
- Beneficiary Designation Form 7097
- Health Plans Form 10501
- Affidavit of Domestic Partnership Form 10449
Rate sheets
- Accident Insurance Summary with rates
- Critical Illness Summary with rates
- Medical and Dental Plan rates (active and retiree)
- MetLife Term Life Supplemental Insurance rates
HR/OHU Procedures
- HR-2.04 Holidays
- Holiday Schedule
- HR-2.05 Vacations for Employees
- HR-2.06 Employee Absences/Leaves
- HR-2.08 Sick Pay for Employees
- HR-2.11 Bereavement and Emergency Leave
- HR-2.15 Telecommuting Program
- OHU-8.07 Health Maintenance Reimbursement
Summary Annual Reports (SAR)
Notices & Documents
Benefit Summary Plan Descriptions (SPD)
- General Information SPD
- Retiree Dental Plan SPD (pre age 65)
- Retiree Health Account (RHA) SPD (hired between 2010-2020)
- Retiree Life Insurance Certificate (25K)
- Retiree Life Insurance SPD
- Retiree Medical Plan SPD (pre age 65)
- Retiree Medical Summary of Benefit Coverage (pre-65 retirees)
- Retiree Medicare Eligible Reimbursement Health Plan (RHP) SPD (age 65+ retiree)
- Retiree plan brochure VIA benefits (over age 65)
- Savings and Investment (401k) Plan SPD
- Pension Plan SPD